A Different Style Of Marketing

When we think of marketing in the digital age, we think Facebook posts, adding photos to your Instagram grid, making reels or paying for advertisements, but it doesn’t always have to be. Time to change it up a bit.

See See Christmas Cards

See See - Omagh

I LOVE Christmas. It’s my favourite time of the year. Pints with friends, hot chocolates on cold nights and hot dogs at Christmas markets. This year will be a lot different from most years, but we will try to make the best of it!

Every year I try to send out a Christmas card to people/businesses/friends. This year I sent them out a little earlier than usual. I thought this year had been shit, so why not give someone something to smile about. Not only is this an excellent way to spread some Christmas cheer but it’s a perfect way to promote yourself to people. On my card, I have my logo, website address, social media handles and a contact email address. It is a good way to let people know where they can check your work out or get in touch with you for more information about what you do.

Thank you to iDesign Omagh for helping me get this designed and printed!

See See Santa Logo.jpg


A little quirky idea for your logo is to change it depending on the time of year. I decided to add a Christmas hat to mine for the Christmas cards, and I love it. I can now use this logo on my social media posts over the Christmas period, and it shows off a fun, quirky and approachable vibe to your brand.

Get Personal

When posting to social media, we are sending out a post for loads of people to see and sometimes not talking directly to one particular person. With my Christmas cards, I had the chance to make it personal by sending it out directly to people. You can connect in other ways too. For example, if you are an eCommerce store, you could include a handwritten thank you note along with a business card. These personal touches can make people more invested in your brand.

Marketing Doesn’t Always Have To Be Digital

The point of this blog was to show that you don’t always have to class your marketing as social media posts or paid advertisements. You can sometimes try something a little different, and it can still be marketing yourself or your business. Think outside the box and see if you can come up with some different ideas. Marketing like this can make your brand stand out and be more memorable to people.

Do you have any cool ideas for a different style of marketing? Let me know!



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